Wet Bomber is a very popular Finnish-style fly, which is often used in river Tana. This fly can be tied in different colors and all variations have worked well.
Pearl Monkey is my favorite on sunny days and in very clear water conditions. This fly is extremely good when the water is low.
GP is a big shrimp fly. There is an saying, which says that if a pool holds any salmon – when a shrimp swims in to the pool, the salmon will take it or it takes off from the pool..
Ally´s Shrimp, developed by Ally Gowans, is a small but very mean shrimp fly that works extremely well on slightly colored water.
Black Doctor is probably one of most famous and glorious salmon fly ever existed. Every salmon chaser knows this fly and there are as many variations of it as there is a fishermen.
Basic monkey winged tube flies for salmon. Having good contrast, these work at any river. Vimu especially fishes very good on clear rivers.
Strömsö is very good pattern early in the season. The pattern was named after an event some years back, when I landed a forty pound, bright and sealiced salmon from northern Norway in June. After hard, successful battle my friend said: “And it went like in Strömsö.”
Glödhäck, as we call it. Someone else may call it Red Butt. With this pattern I have caught many large salmons, and late in the season it works well for the seatrout.