I have worked during the spring with this little project of mine. Now it is ready and hopefully even someone will enjoy it.
Flies I like to use and some stories around them. You can download it for free, so if you dont like it just delete it
It is PDF, so you dont need any specific platform to read it. Here is two versions. Low reso should work well in tablets, phones and laptops, but if you like to large version is available. The link direct you to Dropbox, but you should not need account to download.
Hope you enjoy..
Extremely enjoyable to read some stories behind these flies of yours. Finished the book and have to take closer look before trip to Norway. Thanks for the huge effort you have put in this!
Thanks for your kind words.
Käytätkö Miki sidontavahaa ? Vai miten saat noi tuubien päät noin nätin mallisiksi? Onko sulla perhomalleja Kuusingille, Kitkalle ja Oulangalle? Ookko käyny sielä